About Houston Dental Oasis

3004 Yale Street, Suite 500, Houston TX

Conveniently located at 610 North & Yale Street, next to Whole Foods.

Family Dentistry

Family Dentistry

Deep Teeth Cleaning

Regular teeth cleaning is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene, but sometimes a deep teeth cleaning may be necessary. While standard teeth cleaning is a routine procedure, deep teeth cleaning is a more intensive process that involves removing tartar and bacteria buildup that has accumulated beneath the gum line.

Standard Cleaning

Standard teeth cleaning is typically performed during a routine dental checkup. It involves the removal of plaque and tartar on the surface of the teeth and gum line using a scaler and polishing paste. The procedure is relatively quick and painless, and is designed to help prevent the development of cavities and gum disease.


Deep Cleaning

Deep teeth cleaning, on the other hand, is a more thorough cleaning that is performed when there is evidence of periodontal disease, or when there is significant buildup of plaque and tartar beneath the gum line. The procedure involves scaling and root planing, which are processes that remove tartar and bacteria from the roots of the teeth and beneath the gum line.


Standard vs. Deep

The benefits of deep teeth cleaning are significant. The procedure can help to reduce the risk of gum disease and prevent tooth loss. It can also improve the appearance of the teeth and gums, as well as the overall health of the mouth.

There are several key differences between standard teeth cleaning and deep teeth cleaning.

  • Deep teeth cleaning is a more invasive procedure that may require the use of local anesthesia to numb the gums.
  • Deep teeth cleaning can take longer than standard teeth cleaning, as it involves a more thorough cleaning process that reaches beneath the gum line.
  • Deep teeth cleaning may require several appointments to complete, depending on the severity of the tartar buildup and gum disease.



Standard teeth cleaning is a routine procedure that is performed during a regular dental checkup to help prevent the development of cavities and gum disease. Deep teeth cleaning, on the other hand, is a more intensive cleaning process that is performed when there is evidence of periodontal disease or significant buildup of tartar and bacteria beneath the gum line. While deep teeth cleaning can be a more invasive and time-consuming procedure, it offers significant benefits in terms of reducing the risk of gum disease and improving the overall health and appearance of the teeth and gums.


Ask the Dentist

If you are unsure whether you need a standard teeth cleaning or a deep teeth cleaning, it is important to consult with your dentist. They will be able to assess your oral health and recommend the appropriate treatment based on your individual needs. Regardless of the type of teeth cleaning you receive, maintaining good oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice daily and flossing regularly is essential for the long-term health of your teeth and gums. Schedule a free consultation, today!